
How lucky we were to have been the recipients of your attentive and thoughtful planning. Not to mention how warm and welcoming you both are. And as for the rest of you...what a bunch of..... WONDERFUL people!!! Great laughs, great conversations, great camaraderie!!!Can see us all sitting in "our" hang out in the lobby sharing our new purchased treasures and reminiscing about a meal or class beaming with the pleasure of it all. What a trip!!
Gracias, gracias, mil gracias! Chapulines, gusanos, and all! Can't wait for the next one. 
E&M you are naturals at this!!
Bridget MacConnel & Linda Hotchkiss

The Eat.Drink.Cook.Mexico. tour was beyond words amazing. Our hosts were filled with local insight and knowledge unavailable to most tourists. From clean hotel rooms to a variety of foods and chefs, each experience was new and different. An experience of a lifetime with 5-star service all around. I would highly recommend this tour.
Tiana Uribe

Greetings from a happy traveler!!!!!!  I'm VERY glad Sharon mentioned the trip while at dinner one night. I had a fantastic time. From the fantastic cooking classes to the classy restaurants to the shopping to the very elegant hotel and yes even to the street burgers at midnight!!!!!!!! The two of you put together quite at trip and being the beautiful people that you are, it couldn't have been anything but wonderful. I'm happy we were all part of your maiden trip. I love you both and look forward to seeing you soon.
Marleen J Nelson

Many thanks for all your efforts in planning our amazing trip to Oaxaca.  You took care of every detail and I honestly couldn't think of anything else you could have done to make the experience better.
Our hotel was in the perfect location and so comfortable -- I loved it.The cooking classes, all different, but so memorable.  
Again, many thanks for all your hard work and a special thanks to Miguel and your wonderful family!
Pat Rule

Phenomenal trip! Loved the attention to detail. Loved the people! Loved the experience!
The food was always delicious. The bebidas, perfect. Location, the best. The cooks and chefs, amazing talents. GREAT GREAT GREAT trip! Gracias!
Cindy Peck

Thank YOU so much!! From the moment I got to Oaxaca I felt like I had walked into a dream.
I miss the vibrant streets, I miss the humble people, I miss ..... my hamburguesas :( Haha. 
I loved our group and getting to know all the ladies. Cooking along side these wonderful women was so special to me. Hearing their stories and sharing our memories while sipping on mezcal and making molé in Oaxaca was a dream come true. This was a total trip of a life time for me. Elexia and Miguel, you guys unveiled so many delicious layers of Oaxaca to me. It is a place rich in so many things! The food, drinks, coffee, mercados, culture and art! The cooking classes were so much fun. Each different and so much fun! I loved visiting Ryna and her family. It was amazing. What I'll also miss the most is walking along side the vibrant, colorful buildings and the most humble people I have ever met. 
Thank you so much for introducing me to this beautiful place. I can not wait to go back. Until then I'll relieve it with my photos. 
Hasta luego Oaxaca!
Muchas gracias E+M!
xox, Roxana Lopez

I can’t thank you enough for everything you did to make this trip a dream come true.  You didn’t miss a beat. I had such a great time with everyone, such a happy fun group of people.  All ages, all types all everything. I know how hard you both worked and how you were tweaking things daily and I want you to know how much I appreciated you staying on top of everything.  Amazing. I hope we can do another one of these to maybe a different place although I would go back to Oaxaca in a heart beat. And your mom and dads hospitality was beyond.  I love your entire family.  Vianca was so fun to have along.  Can’t wait to hear about Italy.
Mucho amor,
Sharon Israel